Document Type : Original Article



The research aims to prepare a measure of organizational culture patterns for teachers of physical education in basic schools in the provincial center of the Kurdistan Region / Iraq and to identify the level of organizational culture patterns in basic schools from the point of view of physical education teachers in the provincial center of the Kurdistan Region / Iraq.
The researcher used the descriptive approach in the style of correlational relations due to its suitability to the nature of the research objectives, and where the study population consisted of all teachers of physical education in government basic schools in the governorate center of the Kurdistan Region / Iraq, which are schools (preparatory and secondary) and the number of teachers is (383) teachers, for the academic year (2021-2022), the research sample was selected by the comprehensive inventory method, and the research sample was divided into three sections, the preparation section, the application section, and the exploratory experiment section. The sample of the exploratory experiment was (15 teachers), which represents (3.91%) of the research community, the number of preparation department was (245 teachers), which represented 64% of the research community, while the application department was (123 teachers) and represented (33.94%) of the population. The original research community, and to achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher prepared the scale. And statistical data processing through the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, percentage, hypothetical mean, and Pearson correlation coefficient.
The researcher reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is that most of the paragraphs of dimensions in the Organizational Culture scale have a (high) level, which indicates the existence of a climate of trust between teachers and school administration, a positive relationship, fruitful dialogue, and understanding and awareness of the importance of the school’s responsibility for physical education in participating in making And making decisions, and not delaying actions with the aim of gaining time and cooperation between them on the basis of developing education and learning.
