Document Type : Original Article


Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Salahaddin University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq


   Rebellion and protest are a human and historical phenomenon known to most societies and different human cultures. This phenomenon is characterized by its ability to disrupt social, political and cultural structures, especially the structures of regimes characterized by their authoritarian and tyrannical tendencies.
   Both Iraq and the Kurdistan Region are witnessing a remarkable growth in the forms and images of protests in recent years. On more than one occasion, protest movements have appeared and are practicing their denouncing action in response to political, social, economic and psychological pressures, and human rights setbacks, by (the state) or others, perhaps the most prominent of which is Which has become surfacing related to the series of failures that resulted from the inability of the political elite to provide alternatives and solutions to the dilemmas in which society has become floundering and which ended with the emergence of multiple behavioral patterns that express blatant protest tendencies among young people, especially protesters, such as discontent, grumbling and rebellion against the deteriorating social reality due to The spread of unemployment and poor services, which resulted in many behavioral deviations and social problems, among large groups and sectors of young people, such as addiction and involvement in theft gangs and the expansion of the phenomenon of extremism and violence.
   Accordingly, this study aims to provide a sociological vision about the dialectic of the relationship between frustration and protest tendencies among the Kurdish youth, and to analyze the reasons behind this phenomenon, which seem to many observers and researchers necessitating research in view of the rapid political transformations taking place locally, regionally and even internationally.
