Document Type : Original Article


Department of Psychology، Faculty of Language and Human Sciences، Garmian University، Kurdistan Region of Iraq


The current study aimed to identify the quality of emotional life among the teachers of the University of Garmian and the differences in the level of the quality of their emotional life according to the variables (sex, years of service, marital status). The researcher prepared a scale to measure the emotional quality of life consisting of(40)items,The researcher extracted the psychometric characteristics, validity and reliability of the research tool, and to process the collected data,the researcher used the following statistical tools:(Chi square, T value for one sample,T value for two independent samples,Pearson correlation coefficient,Cronbach's alpha coefficient,Spearman-Brown coefficient, standard deviation, etc.), from The most important results that were reached are that the teaching staff at Garmian University have a good level of emotional quality of life, and that there are no differences in the level of their emotional quality of life according to the variables(sex, years of service, and marital status).
