Document Type : Original Article


Department of Physical Education, College of Basic Education, Garmian University, Garmian, Kurdistan Region of Iraq


The research aims to identify the impact of an educational curriculum inverted vertical learning transfer for the front and back straight kick skills in table tennis, and to reveal the preference of the two groups. The third is the Department of Physical Education in the College of Basic Education at Karmian University, and their average age was (24-22) years, and they were regular and regular for the school year (2021-2022) AD, and they were tested in the skills of the front and back straight kicks in table tennis, as the sample was divided into two equal groups, The first was learning the two skills under study according to the inverted vertical transfer, and the second was learning the same two skills, but according to the method used.
     The results of the research showed significant differences between the tribal and remote tests and in favor of the post tests in learning the two skills and for the two groups, and the result was in favor of the group that learned according to the inverted vertical transfer.
     The researcher recommended taking advantage of the transfer property for the effect of learning by completing this study on skills in other sports.
