Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Arabic Language, Faculty of Education, Garmian University.

2 Department of Arabic Language, College of Education, Garmian University, Kalar District, Kurdistan Region of Iraq


      The topic is recognized as unprecedented critical attempt within the field of criticism of criticism since it tackles the most significant critical views formulated by the Russian critic Mikhail Bakhtin (1895-1975) in his book (The Issues of Artistic Creativity for Dostoevsky) regarding dialogism as the most prominent principle of creativity in accordance to him.
      The principles are represented in the shape of creating protagonists, heroes, and characters with forming their awareness and cautiousness, and the heroes as independent ideas from the authors. Also, he had not been affected by any ancient or modern literary cultural genres which might be approximate to the dialogism indirectly, and his attitude toward the novel of monologue. The researchers realized that his views are subjected to be analyzed, discussed, and criticized due to their extremism and exaggeration in the terms of its applying and his proclaiming to adopt them in writing fiction because Bakhtin did not give significance to many methodological and scientific issues in which this study will pay more on with displaying its reasons.