Document Type : Original Article


Department of Arabic Language and Literature, College of Education, Koya University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq


This research consists of external motivations in the poems of the   tribe of Tai as a gateway to express ingenuity of external motivators which are the reason for expressing the hidden things inside them (desire, anxiety, and happiness) and it’s a reason to fulfill the impossible dreams. That’s why tai poets used woman in their poems to reduce psychological pain, and to get tid of unwanted feelings, That’s why the psychological curriculum as a solution can analyze the symbols that the poets of tae emanated in their poems to hide real feelings, and one of the best symbols that tai poets depended on to reveal  themselves in the left remain, because it includes a sad experience of feeling lost, and the use of women is to express the poets mental state and it is atool to get rid of unpleasant feelings, and to satisfy suppressed sexual desires humiliation is also one of the external fators that affect the poet and the poet relies on so as to rebuild suppressed emotions, and to satisfy his desires to replace his feelings of self-esteem.
