Document Type : Original Article


Department of Arabic Language, College of Languages ​​and Human Sciences, Garmian University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq


     The structural displacement that the study is trying to uncover is one of the most important pillars on which the phenomenon of displacement is based in stylistic studies. As displacement is a term that highlights the ability to penetrate the familiar reach, or as it is said that it is antithetical to what is usual, and the main purpose of this technique is to surprise the recipient because it violates the familiar rules in the linguistic standard. In this study, the researcher monitored the phenomena of structural displacement, which contributed to the production of semantic, and this attempt came within a method that relies on reading the texts of Alskandari, and analyzing it to reveal the nature of employing these displacements to generate new indications that express the Alexandrian visions and his own ideas. The researcher found that Alskandari was able every time to present his idea and embody his visions in the way that he saw as more capable of influencing the recipient, as he resorted to shocking the horizon of his expectations by leaning on the evasion of meanings and connotations in the surface structure upon initial reading so that the recipient remains searching for the intended and rebuilding his perceptions to unfold its connotations in the deep structure.
     The study included an introduction and two chapters, each of which deals with an aspect of the subject. As for the preamble, it presents the theoretical aspect of the study, as it is defined first in the book of “Al-Hakam Al-Ataya”, then it refers to the concept of displacement in language and terminology, and finally it reveals the concept of “structural displacement” and shows its importance and role in creating new connotations in the “Hikam Al-Ataya”. As for the two sections, they presented the most important phenomena of structural displacement in judgment, and the first topic came to the technique of presentation and delay, and the second topic came to returning. At the end of the research, a conclusion of the most important findings of the research, followed by the sources and references that were used in this study.
