Document Type : Original Article


Department of Social Sciences، Elementary Education College، Garmian University، Kurdistan Region of Iraq


The main aim of this study is to introduce (the effectiveness of using open card strategies on learning achievement among seventh grade students in social subjects). By answering the hypothesis which states that there is no statistical difference at the level of (0.05) between the scores of the experimental and control groups on the educational attainment test. For this reason, the researcher relied on a semi-controlled experimental design for two balanced groups. The population of this study is seventh grade students in Penjwen district for the academic year (2021 - 2022) with a total number of (897) students. (44) students were taken  from seventh grade at (Jalal Mahmud Primary School), and then divided into two groups ( 22 students for  experimental and  22 for controlled group)  .The experimental group were taught using  the open cards strategy and the other groups were taught normally. The two groups were balanced in term of variables such as ( age, sex, motivation to learn, previous knowledge about subjects of study, their last year’s score in social science subjects, the education level of their parents). 
The achievement test was prepared and the accuracy of the test, the coefficients of hardness and easiness, discriminative power and error substitution efficiency were calculated by special equations, then the stability for the test was calculated by two coefficients , the first coefficient was (alpha Cronbach) with a value of 0,863 and the second coefficient was (spearman brown  for split half ) with a value of  0.886 .
After the implementation of the experiment, it was found that there is a statistically significant difference in the mean scores of both experimental and control groups in favor of the experimental group.
Finally, some suggestions and recommendations were presented to support future research.
