Document Type : Original Article


1 Kurdish Language Department، Education College، Garmian University، Kurdistan Region of Iraq

2 Kurdish Language Department، Language College، Sulaymaniyah University، Kurdistan Region of Iraq


The research is about (Syntactic and Morphosyntactic Phrases in Kurdish Language). Therefore, the research presents the struture aspects of syntactic and morphosyntactic phrases, then the steps of the projection The structure of phrases is presented in syntax and morphosyntax, so that at the lexicon level all the elements that are authoritative and have struture authority are identified. They are in the project of dominate as the structure head, that is the elements are presented in both the lexical phrase and the functional phrase. Therefore, morphosyntax has been worked on as a post-syntactic structure and the assumptions and direction of the work will be based on this principle. The research will use analytical decription method. The research materials will be Sulaimani dialect. The paper consists of two parts of sub-sections. In the first part, the steps of projection prenciple in syntax are explained, the types of phrases in syntax are presented, and then extended projection prenciple in syntax is presented. In the second part of the paper, project prenciple and the hypothesis of phreasing of connected pronoun/Agreement are presented, and then the steps of extended projection prenciple within morphosyntactic struture are explained.
