Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Translation, College of Language, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

2 Kurdish Language Department، Education College، Garmian University، Kurdistan Region of Iraq


The impact of semantic meaning plays an active role in communication and understanding. This study entitled "The strength of mantic meaning according to the prototype theory" examines the power of words in delivering the speaker / writer’s idea to the listener and affecting others. In this study, the strength of the word was analyzed according to the prototype theory, based on the concept of synonyms by which the strong meaning of the word is determined in terms of semantic meaning.
The research focuses on presenting the theory of the prototype and the strength of the meaning of the word based on the status of the prototype and the rank of the member and the peripheral member. It sheds light on the way that the concept of the prototype in the center to convey the thought of the speaker/writer or creator is stronger than the peripheral member, but if the speaker/writer wants his idea to be understood indistinctly, the peripheral member will have a stronger meaning than the focused prototype and other members. The conducted study was based on a cognitive method taken from both written and spoken text, all samples were from the Sulaymaniyah dialect.
