Document Type : Original Article


Department of Children's Gardens، College of Basic Education، University of Sulaymaniyah، Kurdistan Region of Iraq


The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between emotional control and occupational compatibility among kindergarten principals, as well as the level of spasticity control among kindergarten principals, plus  knowing the level of professional adaptation among kindergarten principals according to each variable (gender - type of kindergarten - (governmental or private) For this goal, the researcheres used the descriptive approach to the relationship because it fits with the nature of the research. The research community consists of all the Directors of Sulaymaniyah for the academic year (2021-2022), they are 78 Directors he took all the Society of the Research , The research tool included a questionnaire for each of the variables (control of spasticity, and Professional adaptation   the emotional control scale consists of 42 items prepared by Zubair Sharif in the Kurdish language, the occupational fitness criterion consists of 48 items written by Wissam Adad in Arabic ,the most important statistical tools used are (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, person correlation coefficient, T-test and ANOVA) After verifying the validity and stability of the criteria, this was carried out on the research model in order to treat statistics or statistical treatment , data and information analysis, the researcher used the statistical program (SPSS), in the end the study reached the following conclusions: The level of emotional control is high among the kindergarten principals in Sulaymaniyah in general. A. There are no Documented statistically significant differences in the level of emotional control among kindergarten principals in Sulaymaniyah by gender variable (males and females). There is no statistically documented difference in the level of emotional control among kindergarten managers in Sulaymaniyah by type of kindergarten (governmental and non-governmental i.e.: Private) ،The level of occupational compatibility is high among kindergarten principals in Sulaymaniyah in general. There are no statistically documented differences in the level of occupational compatibility between kindergarten principals in Sulaymaniyah according to the gender variable (males or females). There is no statistically documented difference in the level of occupational compatibility between kindergarten principals in Sulaymaniyah by type of kindergarten (governmental and non-governmental-private). There is a weak direct relationship between emotional control and occupational compatibility among kindergarten principals in Sulaymaniyah. Finally, the researcher presents some recommendations considering the results.
