Document Type : Original Article


Department of Arabic Language, College of Education, Kahraman University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq


The sentence in Arabic is considered the main semantic and structural unit in the language communication process between the speaker and the recipient For this reason it uses a range of means of linking and cohesion between its parts and the performance of its intended meaning . The pronoun is one of the most prominent means of linking. As it is the origin of every link. And for its frequent uses and the extension of its circle. Therefore, this research seeks to provide a descriptive picture of the impact of linking with the apparent pronoun and what is being referred in the divan of the poet Abdul Mohsen Al -Kadimi, speech is not completely useful unless there is a interconnectedness between its elements, and here the apparent pronoun and what is being referred to is to create a contextual grammatical correlation between the two concerned , It is an important means to achieve communication between the pillars of the linguistic structure and its elements, if it fills the gaps and fixes the cracks ,without it the syntax would split and divide and the connotation of the phrase would be separated .it’s like a linking bridge between the parts of the sentence and replaces the apparent name which helps to shorten speech and removes ambiguity by repeating and remembering. because pronoun and what is belong to is in one meaning.                               
