Document Type : Original Article


Department of Arabic Language, College of Education, Garmian University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq


This research, tagged with (technical reasons for the emergence of the phenomenon of “narrative opposition” in contemporary Arab novelist discourse), is summarized as a unique and new study that sheds light on the phenomenon of (narrative opposition) as a new artistic style in contemporary Arab narrative narrative, created and employed by a group of The distinguished Arab novelists of the past ten years, because of the broad horizons of expression it afforded them, and the new artistic means it provided, by making use of the intellectual and artistic heritage of the most important international novelist classics, We explained the concept of fictional opposition and the most important technical reasons that led to its emergence, and we followed - briefly - the stages of the development of the Arab novel and looked at the current stage in which the phenomenon of fictional opposition arose by presenting the most important emerging technical characteristics that contributed to its embodiment of this phenomenon, especially in the Arab novel texts that were taken from it. Basically it starts with it.
