Document Type : Original Article


1 Kurdish language-education college-garmian university-kalar-iraq

2 به‌شی زمانی كوردی، فـاكـه‌ڵتیی پـه‌روه‌رده‌، زانكـۆی كــۆیــه‌

3 English dept college of education university of Garmian


Morality is an important filed which contains groups of behaviors and habits which are applied and decided by community for indicating the right and wrong values. The moral behaviors and habits are not genetically based but they are gained, controlled by and developed by experience in community.
This study deals with applied linguistics which focuses up on morality and language, so it is hard and rare to find researches and studies written on morality and language in Kurdish, because both are mutually interwoven, and it is hard to separate them. In order to me moral, one should depend on language aspects because the social norms can be explained, discusses and developed through the language use. The method of the study is a descriptive and analytical method.
The study consists of two chapters with the introduction. The first chapter is devoted to morality terms, scopes and types, and the importance of morality in community.   Chapter two discusses the connection between language and morality, importance of morality in language, linguistic morality and moral values.
The study ends with a number of important conclusions and list if reference.


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