Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Kurdish Language، Language College، Sulaymaniyah University، Kurdistan Region of Iraq

2 Kurdish Department / College of education / University of Garmian


This research is in the field of psycholinguistics and attempts to analyze and interpret the process of access, which is an important mechanism in psycho-linguistic processes (language production, perception and understanding), Without access to lexical representations and the presence of word-related information, the processes of speech production, acqu perception and understanding of language cannot succeed.It also presents influencing factors such as word frequency, word acquisition age, attention, phonological information, morphological complexity, syntactic environment, and lexical priming, which play an important role on the accuracy and speed of retrieval or the probability of success in retrieving the target word. A number of strategies are presented in case of failure to retrieve the target word and related information, to fill the gap in the lexical information. By using these strategies as substitutes for the target word, the speaker maintains the conversation and avoids abnormal pauses, providing a clear understanding of the concept he is trying to convey. In this research, the materials of the Kurdish dialect of the middle Kurdish language have been used. The descriptive analytical approach is followed.
