Document Type : Original Article


Department of Kurdish Language، Faculty of Language and Humanities، Garmian University، Kurdistan Region of Iraq


The character is one of the main and important elements in the text of the novel. Without the character, the text of the novel cannot be built. He works with the other main elements (events, time, place) and forms the artistic text of the novel, because he causes the rise and fall of events, that is, with them and they coordinate the process of change in the novel text. .
This research, entitled “Character Structure in the Novel (She Was a Viscount of Two Pieces) by Italo Calvino and the Novel (My Uncle Jamshid Khan, Whom the Wind Always Takes with Her) by Bakhtiar Ali,” seeks to research and study the character structure between the two novels in terms of influence, and at the same time identify their differences.
Research Methodology: In this research, we used descriptive, analytical and comparative methodologies.
The research was divided into an introduction and two main chapters, and in addition to the results reached by the research, the first chapter was explained, called (Concepts, Definitions, and Types of Personalities), and the second chapter was practical, and in this chapter, light was shed on both novels that we had put under scrutiny in terms of personality structure. Finally, the Presentation of the results of the study and a list of sources.
