Document Type : Original Article


1 Ministry of education

2 Family & Community Medicine , College of Medicine, University of Tikrit



The aim of this study is to identify the role of the family in confronting the phenomenon of drug abuse, and to determine the extent of the family's role, as well as to identify ways of activating the educational institution in the face of drug addiction in the light of the Islamic educational guidance. The importance of this study is in determining the most important roles played by the family , And the researchers prepared a tool (to measure the role of the family), as well as the Formulation  of (30) paragraphs distributed on the three roles of the following: (constructive role, preventive role, and therapeutic role). The questionnaire was applied after verifying the truth and persistence of a sample of (140) individuals for the academic year 2018/2019 after randomly selecting them from a number in the  families from the governorate of Salah al-Din and Kirkuk. The researchers reached anumber of conclusions, and made a number of recommendations and proposals.       
