Document Type : Original Article


University of Garmian _ College of Education English Department


     Paulo Coelho (1947- ) and his writing has been under the spotlight since he first started writing in his teenage years after a revolutionary step he took against his parents. The Brazilian writer has many best-selling novels like, The Al Chemist (1988), Brida (1990), and many others. The Winner Stands Alone (2008), is another great novel by Coelho, nevertheless; it didn't take its deserved attention, which therefor will be the efforts of this research to shed light more on this amazing novel.
     Through explaining and taking out the techniques of Post-Modernism from the novel, The article tries to prove that the writer utilizes postmodern techniques such as fragmentation, pastiche, Maximalism, and Technoculture in his writing, and this is shown via pointing out those four outstanding elements from the novel's text


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