Document Type : Original Article


قسم التفسير // كلية العلوم الإسلامية // جامعة دجلة_دياربكر


Islam glorifies the woman’s affair, and makes accusing her of adultery ugly and heinous, and imposes a penalty of eighty lashes for whoever accuses her of it, if she does not confess to adultery, and the accused does not have four witnesses, even if he is honest. His claim, and to ward off the innocent wife’s punishment from herself when she is accused of adultery, this research came to review an article on (Proving the crime of the wife’s adultery in Surat Al-Nur) and clarify what is related to that.
The importance of the research comes from the fact that its subject is controversial, because it is easy to communicate between men and women due to the abundance of means of communication, so the wife was often accused of obscenity without evidence or evidence, and conflict and quarrel occurred between the spouses, which led to a lot of divorce, and perhaps the husband killed his wife, or the wife burned herself Explanation of the evidence to prove the crime of adultery of the wife is of great importance.
The researcher used the analytical method during explanation, analysis, discussion and inference.
And I showed a result in the article: it is not permissible to accuse the wife and slander her with doubts and suspicions.
The problem of reviewing this article appears: from the existence of modern methods that help to prove the crime of adultery by the wife, by chemical examination, circumstantial testimony (the presumption accompanied by the circumstance of the incident), and a specialist’s report on fingerprints, although it is not correct to decide by these means in proving the crime of adultery by the wife, because Borders avert suspicions in Islam


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