Document Type : Original Article


بەشی زمانی کوردی// كولێجی پەروەردەی بنەڕەت // زانکۆی گەرمیان


This article focusing on phonotactic of consonant syllable (plosive and lateral) in Kurdish language, in context of this article some general information about the Language system. Especially (phonology) where presented and all information’s where sourced from human being linguistic, explained the methods and ways of how the constant syllable (plosive) can be come together and also (plosive)  with  (lateral) in the beginning and end of phonological syllable words . Descriptive analyzing method where used to analyzing example to select syllables and the ways where constant syllables generated such as beginning and in the end of word, also done by computer (praat ) program with using Kurdish alphabets, International phonetic alphabets also where used . 


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ب)سه‌رچاوه‌ی به‌زمانی  ئینگلیزی

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