Document Type : Original Article


بەشی باخچەی منداڵان// کۆلێجی پەروەردەی بنەڕەتی // زانكۆی سلێمانی


Building human beings on healthy basis represents a fundamental framework for building a united society, as human beings are the main unit of society, as well as the area of development and development.
     Experts, psychologists and personalities have long confirmed that every human being has a picture of himself, and have pointed out that there are two images, the first a picture of the reality itself and the second a picture of the example itself. Either unrealistic or unrealistic, in a way that if there is a difference between the real self and the ideal itself, it will create a negative self-image, and vice versa, if the difference is low, it will lead to a positive self-image.
     Therefore, self-image is an important part of human behavior and a basis for directing individual behavior, whether it is normal or pleasant, and this is related to the experience, experience, and conflicts that individuals have gone through, because these images They see themselves as positive and acceptable images, especially for those who believe in their abilities and understanding, or negatively for those who disapprove of their actions and doubt their abilities.
     In this context, student satisfaction with their education is an effective factor in the success of their expertise and future careers, with the aim of achieving their goals, hobbies and aspirations in their professional life.
     This study aims to find out the level of self-image and the level of ambition and acceptance of education expertise by students in the kindergarten department at Universities in the Kurdistan Region, as well as to find a relationship between the three changes in terms of change: different universities, and the stage of study.
     The research limits Kurdistan regional universities for the (2022-2021) academic year, an example of the study is students from the children's kindergarten department at Kurdistan Region's universities, the first, third grade, numbering (610) students.
     To achieve Study aims, the researcher relied on the hammed Scale, 2004, for his own image, which consisted of 61 paragraphs, and then reviewed it according to the appropriate extent of the sections of the scale with the sample of the study, on the expert's suggestion. The criterion was 46 paragraphs, Then the researcher, taking advantage of previous scientific sources and researches, prepared both criteria for the acceptance of the study specialist, according to the steps taken to prepare the scientific criteria, and then extracted honesty and stability for each of them Scales.
     The importance of this Study can be shown a number of points: it is important for teachers and students in the children's garden department, as it becomes an important scientific guide on their image and the acceptance of study expertise by students. The children's kindergarten department, as well as the science of university officials and children's kindergarten teachers, will eventually become an important resource for students' views of themselves and their level of satisfaction with their education. For researchers and higher education students, who want to conduct others research in this field.
 Generally, this study concluded that the picture itself, the education expert, is at a high level, and then there is a strong direct relationship between the three changes, with evidence of statistical evidence. They have, and demographic changes such as the first and third stages of study have no effect on making differences on changes, but demographic changes such as different universities have an impact on the changes in their image and the accepting a study specialist, according to statistical evidence.

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پلەی زانستی

شوێنی كار



د. صابر بكر مصطفى

دەروونزانی پەروەردەیی


زانكۆی سلێمانی كۆلێجی پەروەردەی بنەڕەت


د. جواد نعمت حسین

ڕێگاکانی وانەوتنەوەی هونەر


زانكۆی سلێمانی كۆلێجی پەروەردەی بنەڕەت


د. رشدی علی میرزا جاف

دەروونزانی کلینیکی


زانكۆی سلێمانی كۆلێجی پەروەردەی بنەڕەت


د. سۆلاف فائق محمد علی

ڕێگاکانی وانەوتنەوەی زانست


زانكۆی سلێمانی كۆلێجی پەروەردەی بنەڕەت


د.نیان نامق صابر

فەلسەفەی پەروەردە


زانكۆی سلێمانی كۆلێجی پەروەردەی بنەڕەت


د. عمر ابراهیم عزیز

دەروونزانی پەروەردەیی


زانكۆی سەلاحەددین کۆلێجی ئاداب


د. مؤید اسماعیل جرجیس

درووستی دەروونی


زانكۆی سەلاحەددین کۆلێجی پەروەردە


د. ریزان علی ابراهیم

دەروونزانی پەروەردەیی


زانكۆی سەلاحەددین کۆلێجی ئاداب


د. محمد محی الدین صادق

پێوانە و هەڵسەنگاندن

پڕۆفیسۆری یاریدەدەر

زانكۆی سەلاحەددین کۆلێجی پەروەردە


د. وەليد خاليد عبدالكريم

پێوانە و هەڵسەنگاندن

پڕۆفیسۆری یاریدەدەر

زانكۆی سەلاحەددین کۆلێجی پەروەردە


د. سلوی احمد امین

پێوانە و هەڵسەنگاندن

پڕۆفیسۆری یاریدەدەر

زانكۆی سەلاحەددین کۆلێجی پەروەردەی بنەڕەت


د. اراز حکیم رضا

دەروونزانی پەروەردەیی

پڕۆفیسۆری یاریدەدەر

زانكۆی سەلاحەددین کۆلێجی پەروەردە


د. گیلاس عبداللە اسماعیل

دەروونزانی پەروەردەیی

پڕۆفیسۆری یاریدەدەر

زانكۆی سلێمانی کۆلێجی پەروەردەی بنەڕەت


د. إیناس احمد عزیز

دەروونزانی کلینیکی

پڕۆفیسۆری یاریدەدەر

زانكۆی سلێمانی کۆلێجی پەروەردەی بنەڕەت


د. نزیرە صالح محمد

پەروەردەی تایبەت


زانكۆی سلێمانی کۆلێجی پەروەردەی بنەڕەت

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