جۆری توێژینه‌وه‌ : Original Article


Department of English, College of education, university of Garmian, kalar , Iraq


Women characters began to play a more active role in the world of literature during the twentieth century. Modern literature is usually characterized by realism and hence it often includes the image of strong independent females juxtaposed with images of oppressed women, to show the outcomes of their both excessive freedom and captivity in society. The study tries to make a comparative analysis of American and Kurdish literary texts through elaborating the similar fates of female characters, specifically when a female character deviates from the norms and goes beyond the limits of the society due to diametric extremes of both freedom and incarceration. The two conditions of excessive freedom and captivity bring ruin and wretchedness to the individual and the society.
In the selected stories, two female characters go with dissimilar directions in different cultures that lead to the same fatal end. Both Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) and Sherzad Hassan (b.1951) have autobiographical elements in depicting the images of women , their diametric extremes, and also their downfall. The study adopts the American model for comparative

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