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  6. Garrard, Greg (2004) Ecocriticism: New Critical idiom. London and New York : Routledge.
  7. Glotfelty, Cheryll and Harold Fromm. (eds.) (1996) The Ecocriticism Reader. Athens and London : The University of Georgia Press.
  8. Izady, Mehrdad (1992) The Kurds: A Concise Handbook, . New York : Taylor & Francis.
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  10. Liddell, Henry George and Robert Scott (1996)  A Greek-English Lexicon. USA: Clarendon, Oxford University Press.
  11. Sandars. N.K. (ed.) (1984) The Epic of Gilgamesh . Middlesex : Penguin.
  12. Wall, Derek (1994 reprinted 2014) Green History: A Reader in Environmental Literature, Philosopy and Politics. London and New York : Routledge.

باقر،طه. (المترجم) (1986)  ملحمة کلکامش. دمشق : دار المدى