جۆری توێژینه‌وه‌ : Original Article


Civil Eng. Dept., College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq


The evolution of the concept of management of safety of dams in the world Rating with
the evolution of lifestyles and the increasing number of dams and sizes and multiple
purposes, which has set up for it, for the purpose of maintaining the facility and their
durability in the form required for the continuation performed for the purpose for which
it created for him and the preservation of the lives of people and property from the
dangers of these dams partially or totally. It is in order to keep pace with global
developments in this field has been the development of an administrative system to
evaluate the safety of dams in Iraq, in the theoretical side a literature review and
concepts on the safety of dams where has been done in the research, but in the practical
side an open questionnaire through frequent visits to the dams and departments
responsible positions are done and then hold a closed questionnaire through its own
form of a questionnaire distributed this purpose, the experts and practitioners in the field
of dam safety in the administration of Iraq, reached a researcher to develop a system to
evaluate the safety of dams keep pace with global developments in this field and meets
the requirements of management the safety of dams in Iraq.

وشه‌ بنچینه‌ییه‌كان

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