جۆری توێژینه‌وه‌ : Original Article


1 Chemistry Department, College of education for pure science, Diyala University, Diyala, Iraq

2 Chemistry Department, College of Science, Babylon University, Hilla, Iraq


Two types of ternary Pt-TiO 2 /MWNT were synthesized by
Sonochemical/Hydration–Dehydration methods which include photoplatinazation and
supporting with MWNTs. The synthesized materials (Pt-TiO 2 )/MWNT and Pt-
(TiO 2 /MWNT) were characterized by X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, UV-
Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission
electron microscopy. The activity of (0.65 g/L) MWNT/TiO 2 /Ptwere estimated by H 2
production from (7.5 vol %) aqueous methanol solution. The results showed that
platinizationof TiO 2 than create hybrid with MWNTs was more efficient in hydrogen
production than platinazationofMWNT/ TiO 2 .The preparation method, homogenous
distribution and localized of MWNTs with Pt onto TiO 2 shows sensitively influence
in the achieving the best efficient charge separation and transfer in exist the platinum
under UV- light (< 420 nm) irradiation.

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