جۆری توێژینه‌وه‌ : Original Article


1 1 Horticulture Department, Faculty of Agriculture/ University of Salahaddin, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

2 1Horticulture Department, Faculty of Agriculture/ University of Salahaddin, Kurdistan Region, Iraq


Study was conducted using Thompson seedless grapevines 11 years old, trained as
arbors (espalier) training in a vineyard at Erbil Directorate of Agriculture Researches /
Kurdistan Region / Iraq during the growing season of 2015 to investigate the possible
effects of foliar application of natural bread yeast (bio-fertilizer) and liquid organic
fertilizer (B&S Pot-min) on yield quantity and quality. Results indicated that the
concentration of 12 g.l-1 of bread yeast, liquid organic fertilizer at 4 ml.l-1 and
interaction between them affected on yield and physical characteristics of clusters,
berries and chemical properties of berries significantly over other concentrations and
interactions. The number of clusters/vine, cluster weight, yield increased by application
of bread yeast, and there were significant differences between treatments comparing to
control. Applications of bread yeast and organic fertilizer significantly improve physical
characteristics of berries comparing to control. Bread yeast application caused
significant increase in total soluble solid (TSS), decreased titratable acidity (TA), with
highest value of TSS/TA ratio compared with control.

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