Document Type : Original Article


Department of Kindergarten, College of Basic Education, Sulaimani University, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq


In this era , the digital and electronic technology in particular, is advancing very rapidly and surprisingly.However,  with this arpid developing human life and social relationships are very complicated, which proves the fact that technology, although it has made human life easier It has always brought complications. Electronic games, as part of modern technology, have occupied people in general and children in particular, causing children's lifestyles, psychologically and socially, to change significantly. The researcher investigates this issue in this study. In the first part of this study, the problems, importance, objectives and limitations of the study are presented. In this section, several definitions of the concepts and terms (electronic games, psychological adaptation and social adaptation) are given. In the second part, which is the theoretical framework of the research, in three independent topics, the three variables of electronic games, psychological adaptation and social adaptation are discussed theoretically. At the end of this section, five previous studies are mentioned. In the third part, the research method, society, sample, honesty and stability of the study are presented. In this study, the descriptive analytical method was used. The sample of the study includes 450 parents with children aged 4 to 8 years Statistical tools have been used.
