جۆری توێژینه‌وه‌ : Original Article


Department of Kurdish Language , College of basic Education, University of Garmian, Kalar, Iraq


This research entitled (Crimes of Topography in Kurdish Poetry)Attempts to present general and specific concepts and terms within the framework of the concept of topography and crimes in the history of Kurdish poetry Discuss the term in Kurdish poetry and show the crimes of topography in Kurdish poetry. The research followed the method of descriptive analysis and focus selection.                                                                     

وشه‌ بنچینه‌ییه‌كان

ناونیشانی توێژینه‌وه‌ [English]

Crimes of Topography in Kurdish Poetry

نوسه‌ران [English]

  • Diyar Majeed
  • Azhin Omer

Department of Kurdish Language , College of basic Education, University of Garmian, Kalar, Iraq

پوخته‌ [English]

This research entitled (Crimes of Topography in Kurdish Poetry)Attempts to present general and specific concepts and terms within the framework of the concept of topography and crimes in the history of Kurdish poetry Discuss the term in Kurdish poetry and show the crimes of topography in Kurdish poetry. The research followed the method of descriptive analysis and focus selection.                                                                     

وشه‌ بنچینه‌ییه‌كان [English]

  • Crimes
  • Topography
  • Kurdish Poetry