Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Physical Education - University of Halabja

2 Department of Physical Education - Garmian University


The research aims to identify the effect of the side nets on the exercises to develop endurance of speed and the skills of rolling and scoring: soccer players (youth class) as a model. And to identify the extent of the rate of development between the results of the tests and the tribal and dimensional measurements of the research sample in the development of endurance of speed and the skills of rolling and scoring among young football players. On the subject of the research procedures: the researchers chose their research community in an intentional manner, which was represented by the players of Shirwana Sports Club for the youth category, which numbered (28) players. Of the goalkeepers, as well as two injured players were excluded from the post tests, and (8) players were also excluded, because they had been applied to exploratory experiments, and thus the research sample became (16) players, as the main sample formed a percentage of (57.41%) of the total sample One-group search . The researchers used the statistical program (SPSS) for the humanities and social sciences to process the data. The percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Pearson's simple correlation coefficient, t-tests for related samples, self-honesty coefficient, ratio law for the evolution of the research variables were extracted .            
    The researchers reached the following conclusions and recommendations: The proposed training curriculum using side grids on exercises had positive effects in developing the variable endurance speed and the skills of rolling and scoring among the individuals in the research sample. In light of the foregoing conclusions, the researchers recommend a set of recommendations, the most important of which are: Building the training curriculum with high stresses for the training curriculum has a clear impact on the development of variable endurance speed and the skills of rolling and scoring in soccer. Thus, the coach can reach the players to the highest level required . 


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