جۆری توێژینه‌وه‌ : Original Article


قسم اللغة العربية // كلية التربية // جامعة جرمو


 ( بحثا عن مدينة أخرى ) من الروايات الشهيرة للكاتب والروائي والمسرحي الكردي ( محي الدين زنكه نه ) ، الذي حاول من خلال نتاجاته الأدبية تسليط الضوء على الشخصية الكردية التي كانت مظلومة في عهد النظام البائد ، علما ان الظروف التي كانت تحيط بالكاتب لم تكن ظروفا اعتيادية ، بل كانت صعبة جدا بالنسبة لكاتب مخلص كل هدفه ايصال فكرته للمتلقي. فهي من الروايات التي زخرت بشخصيات لا اسماء لها , فالراوي يقوم بسرد الاحداث معتمدا على السرد احيانا والحوار في اماكن اخرى ليفسح المجال للشخصيات ان تعبر عن نفسها فاسحا المجال امام القارئ ان يفهم ويشكل الصورة المراد ايصالها للمتلقي..وتختلف هذه الرواية عن بقية الروايات المعهودة في جوانب متعددة. فمن جانب التسلسل الزمنى للاحداث فهي غير مرتبة زمنيا , اذ تبدأ من الزمن الحاضر وتعود الى الماضي مستحضرة احداثا وشخوصا قد كان لهم دور في حياة البطل, أما من ناحية الشخصيات والاحداث , فالرواية تعتمد احاثها على طرفين متناقضين , الطرف الأول هو بطل الرواية , اما الطرف الثاني فيتأرجح بين صديقه مرة وبين والده تارة وبين والدته تارة اخرى وبين صاحب الفندق و صاحبة الفندق ايضا.

ففي الرواية صراع مرير بين الانسان الكامن خلف شخصية البطل التي تتخذ اشكالا متعددة فتارة تكون سلبية متحولة الى شخصية ايجابية احيانا اخرى,فيتأرجح البطل ويتذبذب في مواقفه محاولا ايجاد حل وسطي يمكنه من خلاله مواصلة ومواجهة المجتمع , أو على الأقل التعايش معه دون أن يكون هذا التعايش مستحيلا , فالرواية تتمركز حول الانسان المتمسك بمبائه والذي لا مكان له في مجتمع يسوده العنصرية وتتحكم به الدكتاتورية , ويبقى الانسان ضائعا بين الانسان السوي الطبيعي في داخله وبين رفض المجتمع له في الواقع, فيحاول الانسلاخ عن جلده والتطبع والتجلد بجلد اخر لا يشبهه محاولا التضحية بأمور غالية جدا لا تقدر بثمن فقط لكي يستطيع مزاولة حياته الطبيعية واكمال علاقاته الطبيعية التي غدت غير طبيعية لعدم انتمائه لذلك المجتمع 

وشه‌ بنچینه‌ییه‌كان

ناونیشانی توێژینه‌وه‌ [English]

Alienation in the Arab achievement of the Kurdish novelists The novel (In search of another city by Muhyi al-Din Zangana) as a model

نوسه‌ر [English]

  • Hawzheen Gareeb

Department of Arabic Language // College of Education // Jarmo University

پوخته‌ [English]

)In Search of Another City)  is one of the famous novels of Kurdish writer and novelist (Muhyiddin Zangana), who tried, through his literary productions, to focus on the Kurdish character who was oppressed during the era of the defunct regime, knowing that the circumstances surrounding the writer were not usual. It’s very difficult for a sincere writer whose aim to communicate his idea to the recipient. This is one of the novels that full of characters without names, so the narrator shows events relying on narration sometimes and dialogue in other places to allow the characters to express themselves and give the reader a space to understand and form the image to be conveyed to the recipient.
This novel differs from the rest of the usual novels in several aspects. As for the chronology of events, it is not arranged chronologically. It starts from the present time and returns to the past, evoking events and people who had a role in the hero's life. As for the characters and events, the novel depends on its events on two contradictory parties, the first part being with the hero of the novel and the second party swinging between his friend and his father at times and his mother at other times and between the man hotel owner and the lady hotel owner as well.
In the novel, a bitter struggle between the human being behind the character of the hero which takes many forms, sometimes being negative, transforming into a positive character at other times. The hero is trying to find a compromise that can confront with society. The novel centers on the person who adheres to his principles in a society dominated by racism and dictatorship. The person remains lost between the normal human being and society's rejection of him in reality, so he tries to shed his skin and flog others in order to be able to carry out his normal life and complete his natural relationships that have become unnatural because of his lack of belonging to that society.

)In Search of Another City)  is one of the famous novels of Kurdish writer and novelist (Muhyiddin Zangana), who tried, through his literary productions, to focus on the Kurdish character who was oppressed during the era of the defunct regime, knowing that the circumstances surrounding the writer were not usual. It’s very difficult for a sincere writer whose aim to communicate his idea to the recipient. This is one of the novels that full of characters without names, so the narrator shows events relying on narration sometimes and dialogue in other places to allow the characters to express themselves and give the reader a space to understand and form the image to be conveyed to the recipient.
This novel differs from the rest of the usual novels in several aspects. As for the chronology of events, it is not arranged chronologically. It starts from the present time and returns to the past, evoking events and people who had a role in the hero's life. As for the characters and events, the novel depends on its events on two contradictory parties, the first part being with the hero of the novel and the second party swinging between his friend and his father at times and his mother at other times and between the man hotel owner and the lady hotel owner as well.
In the novel, a bitter struggle between the human being behind the character of the hero which takes many forms, sometimes being negative, transforming into a positive character at other times. The hero is trying to find a compromise that can confront with society. The novel centers on the person who adheres to his principles in a society dominated by racism and dictatorship. The person remains lost between the normal human being and society's rejection of him in reality, so he tries to shed his skin and flog others in order to be able to carry out his normal life and complete his natural relationships that have become unnatural because of his lack of belonging to that society.