Document Type : Original Article


Department of Media// College of Humanities// University of Sulaymaniyah


This study reveals the role that Kurdish TV channels play in raising environmental awareness and providing the public with information about it and educating them about those wrong methods followed by man himself against the environment in which they live today.
The media in general, and television channels in particular, can play an active and vital role in educating individuals about their behavior, in order to contribute to preserving their environment, and that is not through the dissemination of news information or sporadic programs only, but must allocate continuous and sustainable television programs and set an agenda , to publish in-depth information of an analytical nature and allocate the appropriate time for it by hosting environmental specialists.
 A sample was taken from the students of the University of Sulaymani, in its morning and evening shifts, with a humanitarian and scientific specialization, comprising 431 individuals. The study used the descriptive method, as it is the most appropriate scientific method for this study. The study seeks to achieve a set of goals, including:

Diagnosing the role of television channels and their contribution to spreading environmental awareness.
Diagnosing the extent of university students' knowledge of environmental issues.
Getting to know the university students' perspective on the role of television channels in spreading environmental awareness.

Among the most important conclusions reached by the study, which becomes an area of ​​application in the field of media studies, and the role of television channels in spreading environmental awareness are:

There is no special program for the environment, such as the independent program on television channels, whether local or satellite, as many other types of television programs, which are presented are limited to news bulletins or individual programs according to events and occasions.
There is no reciprocal relationship between television channels and the authorities concerned with environmental affairs, to cover environmental activities, for the purpose of presenting them to viewers and promoting their environmental information and awareness.
There is no strong interest among university students in environmental issues, and their participation in environmental activities and activities is of a low level.
There is a large knowledge gap for university students about environmental issues, due to the poor meeting of environmental knowledge needs on television channels in terms of environmental awareness.


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      البريد الالكتروني:      رقم الهاتف:     07701585545


 ([1]) الاختلاس : إسراع بالحركة ليحكم السامع بذهابها ، وهي كاملة الوزن ، والصّفة ، ينظر: القواعد والإشارات في أصول القراءات : 52 ، والتّمهيد في علم التجويد : 59 .    

([1]) تسهيل الفوائد وتكميل المقاصد : 25 .

([1]) الكتاب : 4/ 193 – 194 .

([1]) ينظر: السبعة فـي القراءات : 110 ، والحجـة للقراء السبعة : 1/60  ، وشرح الشافية للرضي : 2 / 309 .

([1]) الجامع لِأحكام القُرآن : 1/ 149 . 

([1]) اللباب في علل البناء والإعراب : 1 / 482 .

([1]) في اللهجات العربية : 96 – 97 .

([1]) دروس في علم أصوات العربيّة : 183 .

([1]) لهجة قبيلة أسد : 144 – 145 .

([1]) ينظر: التبصرة في القراءات السبع : 337 ، والتيسير في القراءات السبع : 247 .

([1]) ينظر: التحديد في الإتقان والتجويد : 173، والنشر في القراءات العشر : 2 / 122 .

([1]) التبصرة في القراءات السبع : 341 .

([1]) الكتاب : 4 / 192 .

([1]) التيسير في القراءات السبع : 247 – 248 .

([1]) النشر في القراءات العشر : 2 / 122 .