Document Type : Original Article




Corona virus or Covid 19 is a global disease and it has spread all around the world and millions of people have lost their lives because of this virus. There have been measures and ways to prevent further spreading the virus. One thing that plays an important role is the environment (air) this work shows the factors that can be a reason for facilitating the spread of the virus in KRG. Other factors such as population density, travel between cities, the amount of rain and snow, humidity, temperature, wind speed and sun light have a hand in spreading this disease.To support the claims we make in this study we have collected various data, and data show proven cases and the number of the people who carry the virus and the number of dead cases as well in cities like: Suleymaneyah , Erbil, Duhok and Halabja. This study shows the factors which we mention above cause the spread of the virus to a great extend and increase the number of the patients. Furthermore, This study suggests that in the area where wind speed is high and temperature is low the virus is very active in a dangerous number, For instance, Sulayemaneyah, Erbil and Duhok are among the cities which have a high number of cases while this is not a case in areas which are hot and wind speed is not high, like Garmian and Halanja. They have maller population comparing to big cities Erbil.

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