جۆری توێژینه‌وه‌ : Original Article


English Dept., College of Education, University of Garmian, Kalar, Kurdistan Region, Iraq


Comparative Literature perceives literary texts as both being the product of a specific language and culture and as a universal phenomenon surpassing national and cultural boundaries and timeframes. Nineteenth century witnessed a glorification of poetry in both British and Kurdish literatures; as a result, vital names become prominent. Robert Browning (1812-1889) and Nali (1801- 1855) who, in their poetry, framed miscellaneous images, reflected the era and with its accompanied circumstances.
      And since literature is an addition to physical existence, not a mere description of it, so the article attempts to explore the voice of homesickness in both poet's verses due to the same nostalgic conditions that each one of them separately had when they stayed far from their own countries in spite of their non-knowing of each other and their entire dissimilar circumstances. The article, further, follows the American school of comparative literature to elucidate the various elements implemented by both poets to embody their enthusiastic eagerness for their birth lands with displaying the tools of nature that have been utilized to draw their inner tendency. 

وشه‌ بنچینه‌ییه‌كان

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