جۆری توێژینه‌وه‌ : Original Article


College of Education, University of Garmian


  Dyslexia is a particular learning impairment also known as reading and writing disability. Despite average intelligence it is characterized by a challenge with reading and writing. Dyslectics are affected with different degrees. Dyslexia has a neurological and family history basis. This study aims to highlight both the existence of this condition among students and the teachers' unawareness of this kind of learning difficulty. The study is conducted on a 13-year-old dyslexic girl. A general estimation of the case was carried out by first, an evaluation of the social and academic status of the girl's family, and second, using dyslexia screeners with some of the reading and writing tests to examine the nature of her disability. It was concluded that there are students in Kurdistan who have Dyslexia, without teachers and parents be aware of it. Dyslexia requires early intervention by teachers and parents alike to mitigate its effect on the process of learning. There is also an urgent need for an early diagnosis program of Dyslexia in the Kurdistan region so that teachers can identify dyslexic students and not blame them and their parents for their learning difficulties.

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