جۆری توێژینه‌وه‌ : Original Article


English Department, College of Education, University of Garmian, Kurdistan Region, Iraq


Poetry as a literary genre has been the first and the most influential human method for conveying what people wanted to since the birth of humanity. Therefore, it was almost the sole way for entertainment, information, and documentation as well.
   As a result, it is of little surprise to hear and see such an expression as documentary poetry. Topics about it started to be seen in journals such as Chain in the middle of the 1990s; yet this kind of poetry could be traced back, in the English literature, to the first English poem that survived i.e. Beowulf.
   The study is an attempt to discuss a number of English and Kurdish poems that can be labeled under this nomenclature in order to reveal whether or not world poetry share this aspect along with its usefulness for humanity at large. It tries as well, to revive focus upon the historical events documented by poets and poems and illustrate the range of the humane responsibilities the poets felt and consequently made them immortalize the human experiences through those poems.
The study also analyzes the strategies followed by the poets in writing their poems through the different modes of documentation. It came out with a number of conclusions like:  Kurdish poetry did not come short of its likes in the other languages and cultures especially the English language and poetry. And it closes with a list of the sources used. 

وشه‌ بنچینه‌ییه‌كان

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