جۆری توێژینه‌وه‌ : Original Article


College of Human Sciences, University of Garmian


Treatment or purification of water is considered as a critical challenge especially in
developing countries since this treatment is an essential facility to conserve the
public health and environment by eliminating of waterborne diseases and
pathogens. This study was made to assess the efficiency of Khanaqin City water
treatment plant (KCWTP) which is the main source to supply drinking water in
Khanaqin City, and to evaluate the treated water quality that reached to city
residents. Khanaqin City water treatment plant (KCWTP) consists of conventional
water treatment units like other treatment plants in Iraq of flocculation,
sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection. These treatments have been studied
depending on the collected information and tests.
In this research, several physicochemical and bacteriological parameters of both the
raw and treated water were sampled and studied according to Standard Methods
and Procedures to evaluate the performance and quality of treated water from
Khanaqin City Water Treatment Plant (KCWTP). The results indicated that the
source raw water is moderately of poor quality, while the treated water is relatively
satisfactory. The treatment process units in KCWTP were also evaluated. Overall
removal efficiency of water turbidity in KCWTP is 97.88%. The study suggests
that the KCWTP units and process operation need to be improved, rescaled, and re-
designed to enhance the plant efficiency and reduce the possibilities of waterborne
diseases and contamination that may occur in future in Khanaqin City drinking

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