Document Type : Original Article


1 Kurdish department, College of basic education, University of Salahaddin, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

2 Department of Kurdish Language, College of language, University of Salahaddin, Erbil, Kurdistan Region,



This research entitled (Grammatical Structure of Language in Tagmemic Theory) on of “Kenneth Pike’s Hypotheses, with the framework of Tagmemic Theory is the relationship and frame necessity in analyzing the structural units of language. This research aims to analyze the idea of (the frame), and the basic units related to it within the limits of the following frames (phonology frame, grammatical frame, and referential frame)) which include four frame units namely (Slot, Role, Class and Cohesion).
This research goes into detail about the role of the units assigned to them according to a special system and selected criteria.
Interpreting and analyzing these units with their roles allows linguists to give an analytical description of grammatical structures based on identifying these units and their different roles that are limited to a specific linguistic framework and collecting them in text bodies. Certain roles are governed by these frameworks. So that the linguist can delve in to more presents the tagmemic dithering in the folds of units in general, and the extent of their applications to Kurdish grammar.
Frame, Frame types, Slot, Class, Role and Cohesion.
