Document Type : Original Article


بەشی کوردی، کۆلێجی زمان، زانکۆی سلێمانی


This research, titled (Women’s expression in their feelings in the narrative writings of Alaa Al-Din Al-Sajjadi), deals with an analytical study of the book (Rashtahi Marwari), which we consider as a general encyclopedic book, compiled and written by the great Kurdish writer Alaa Al-Din Al-Sajjadi.
The research was divided into two parts. In the first section, it sheds light on the clarification of the science of narration and its parts. The second section dealt with social issues such as paternity control and man’s dominance over women, as well as social relations between men and women and the dialogues between them, including women with inappropriate and offensive words. The research also includes a list of references and approved sources, then we summarize the results in several points, and conclude the research with a translation of the research in both Arabic and English


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