Document Type : Original Article


Garmian University / College of Basic Education


The current research aims: - Identification of 1 - Future anxiety among university students. 2 - Differences in future anxiety according to gender variables (male - female) and specialization (scientific - human). To achieve the goals of the research, a questionnaire was prepared that includes four areas, the field of negative thoughts for the future, the field of negative view of the future, the field of arousal from the academic future, the field of health. Verification of honesty, consistency and discrimination of the paragraphs was applied to a sample consisting of (100) male and female students from the scientific and human departments in the fourth stage in a random manner, by (50) students from the scientific departments and (50) students from the human sections, and after data collection and statistically processing were The results are as follows: - To get to know the future anxiety of the research sample, it was found that the calculated T value reached (5.703), which is greater than the tabular (0.0) at the level of significance (0.05) and this indicates that the university students have a high future anxiety, the fields were arranged in descending order according to the medium The weighted and percentage weight for each field were also arranged in descending order Then, these results were interpreted according to previous studies and the approved literature, As for the second objective, identifying the differences in the future anxiety according to gender variations, specialization, and the following results have been shown: There are no differences according to the gender variable (male-female), with regard to specialization (scientific - human), and the results of the research showed that there are no statistically significant differences Among students of scientific specialization and among students of human specialization in future anxiety, - This result was explained by the fact that future anxiety among males and females is a result of the general conditions in which students live. Unemployment and the deterioration of the financial situation led to widespread anxiety among students regardless of gender and specialization. Recommendations: - Based on the results that Alp reached Urge to recommend the following: - 1- Activate the role of guidance and guidance in all departments of colleges to overcome the problems of anxiety facing them and develop appropriate solutions to them. . 2- Strengthening self-confidence to encourage the individual to be able to confront difficult workers or solve problems, and this may lead to a decrease in the level of ambition and thus an increase in anxiety over the future. Engineering and compare its results with the results of the current study. 2- Encouraging researchers to conduct more studies on design, counseling programs to reduce anxiety.


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