Document Type : Original Article


Department of Geography // Faculty of Education // Koya University


By the influence of conquering cities phenomenon to different directions, a lot of villages entering the border of municipalities and conquering them. This way they take the characteristics of the city and becoming part of it and a quarter of it. The research zone of this phenomenon, it was not emerged in first, second and third morphological phases. But it emerged in fourth phase. First Kelakhwara village conquered and entered the municipality border in the north, its area is (32.26) Hectares, it has composed (3.2%) of the town. Its population was (223) accounting for (0.4%). In the fifth morphological phase some other villages came into the border of the town, such as Hawawan village in the east its area is (158) Hectares accounting for (7.4%). White land is also another area became part of the town in the south, east its area is (124) Hectares accounting for (6%). Mam Mahmuda village in the east, bellow the Haibasultan mountain, its area is (26.6) Hectares accounting for (1.2%). Harmota village in the south west its area is (93.4) Hectares accounting for (4.4%). This way at the period of researching a number of villages entered the municipality border like: Kelakhwara, Hawawan, Mam Mahmuda, Harmota and White land. their area is (433.8) Hectares accounting for (20.44%), the total area of the town is (2122.2) Hectares. There are several reasons that have impact on this phenomenon such as natural, demography, political and administration, planning, etc. in the future some other village like (Abdalan, Shila, Topzawa and Qaisari) entering the border of the municipality their area is (17012.25) Hectares. This study falls into three chapters, the first one is concerned with introducing the topics and their geographical features. The second one is about the morphological phases of conquering the research zone. The third chapter is regarding the factors and conquering the city and its influence on enlarging Koya town


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