
1 Salahaddin university

2 kurdish language/collage basic of education/salahaddin university/erbil/iraq


The process of learning second language has recently become an urgent necessity for the human beings in such a way that parents, from an early age of their children, want them to learn other languages rather than their native language, especially English language because it is an international language nowadays.
This research is a part of a master's thesis which consists of two chapters. The first chapter includes the concept and term of images, components of images, and the relationship of images to language. The second chapter explains the role of images in education system as well as the language aim of using images.
Sight is the most active sense in the thinking processes because a great amount of thinking visualizations takes place via pictorial processing.
 The language of education which is English language in the books of the first circle in schools including (Eshik Basic School - Erbil) is concerned with educational images to promote learning objectives of students’ thinking development because images could often show reality and closest to learners’ thinking processes as compared to an abstract means of learning


ا- بە زمانى عەرەبى:
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ب- بە زمانى ئینگلیزى:
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