Document Type : Original Article


1 كۆلێجی په‌روه‌رده‌ی بنه‌ڕه‌ت، به‌شی زانسته‌ كۆمه‌ڵایه‌تیه‌كان، زانكۆی گه‌رمیان

2 كۆلێجی په‌روه‌رده‌، به‌شی جوگرافیا، زانكۆی گه‌رمیان


Drought is one of weather and environment hazards, this phenomenon occurs in all areas, not only in those areas with high rainfall rates. Although Sulaimaniyah and Halabja are considered rainy areas, their rains are not stable and will face drought. Our research focuses on analyzing the statistics and synopic of the drought, using data from both European and American climate center (ECMWF & NOAA). The aim of the research is to identify and show the extent and recurrence of dry monthly dry and drought with the synoptic causes of drought. The research came to a some of conclusions, the most important of result: three years of widespread drought (1998-1999), (2007-2008, 2008-2009), and the number of recurrence sequential and dryness Monthly differs from this type of research (very strong dry 39 times, medium dry 24 times, weak dryness 20 times, strength dryness 16 times and normal dryness 109 times). Another result showed that during the research, there October and May were the most effective dry months with very strong dryness. According to the difference in the location of the drought rate, Penjwen's station in other stations has been more effective in terms of drought rates during the research. The synoptic reasons affecting the occurrence of the drought are: at the sea level pressure, the domination of Siberian highs pressure over the research area and the Mediterranean Sea, or the creation of high presuure belts from Azori to Siberian. At the level of 850 hp, the advance of the subtropical high-pressure belt, particularly the domination of Saudi Arabian and Upper Ridgs on the research area,  and at the level of 500 hP. The horizontal movement winds and the  (Ridge) patterns, each of these synoptic reasons at different levels of pressure, are the causes of drought in Sulaimaniyah and Halabja provinces


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* تێبینی سه‌باره‌ت به‌ داتا ئاووهه‌واییه‌كان: داتا ئاووهه‌واییه‌كانی توێژینه‌وه‌ له‌م دوو سه‌رچاوه‌یه‌وه‌ وه‌رگیراون، ئه‌م دوو ناوه‌نده‌ ئه‌وروپی و ئه‌مریكییه‌‌ داتای سینۆپتیكی هه‌موو ئاسته‌كانی كه‌ش و هه‌موو ناوچه‌كانی جیهان به‌خۆڕایی پێشكه‌ش به‌ سودمه‌ندان ده‌كه‌ن، له‌ ئه‌وروپاو ئه‌مریكا نوێترین توێژینه‌وه‌كان پشتبه‌ست به‌ داتای ئه‌م دوو ناوه‌نده‌‌ ئه‌نجام ده‌درێت به‌ڵام له‌ عێراق تا ئێستا نه‌ناسراون ئه‌مه‌ یه‌كه‌م هه‌وڵی زانستییه‌، داتاكان داتای تۆڕبه‌ندییه‌‌ (grid), ،واته‌ وێنه‌ی مانگی ده‌ستكرد نین به‌ڵكو داتاگه‌لێكی مۆدێلسازیكراوه‌، له‌ خواره‌وه‌ ناوی سه‌رچاوه‌و لینكی هه‌ردوو ناوه‌نده‌كه‌ دانراون:
[10] ECMWF REANALISE DATA, Era-Interim, monthly data, ntcdf data 0.75*0.75,nc.
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