Document Type : Original Article


kurdish language/collage basic of education/salahaddin university/erbil/iraq


This research entitled (types of sentences in sign language) accurate analyses of sentence showing that all sentences used within the different can text are related to the contents, and purposes, that the deaf people intend to deliver. This fact show that sign language within the framework of the Kurdish language has a specificity that distinguishes it from speaking Kurdish language, and this fact contradict the prevailing view that language for all nations is derived from the speaking language in that country, or formulated within the speaking language.
The research consists of two sections, the first one focused on introduction grammatical concepts and their levels of grammar, the definition of the sentence in these types of languages, and the presentation of indicative units. In the second section the researcher came to present the types of sentences and classify them according to their content based on models from the speaking language and their transition into sign language.


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