جۆری توێژینه‌وه‌ : Original Article


كۆلیژی هونه‌ره‌ جوانه‌كان/ زانكۆی سه‌لاحه‌ددین


هه‌ڵبژاردن و ده‌ستنیشانكردنی ناونیشان، یه‌كێكه‌ له‌ بابه‌ته‌ هه‌ره‌ گرنگه‌كانی لێكۆڵینه‌وه‌ی زانستی، به‌و واتایه‌ی له‌سه‌ر لێكۆڵه‌ر پێویسته‌ بابه‌تێك هه‌ڵبژێرێت، كه‌ خۆی ئاره‌زووی لێ هه‌بێت و له‌گه‌ڵ توانا و توانستی خۆی بگونجێت. ناونیشانی لێكۆڵینه‌وه‌كه‌مان بریتییه‌ له‌ (لكان و جۆره‌كانی له‌ زمانی كوردیدا)، به‌و واتایه‌ی لێره‌دا به‌شێوه‌یه‌كی فراوان باسی لكان ده‌كه‌ین له‌ زمانی كوردیدا.
دیاریكردنی سنووری لێكۆڵینه‌وه‌ زۆر پێویست و گرنگه‌، تا لێكۆڵه‌ر باسه‌كه‌ی تێكه‌ڵ و پێكه‌ڵ نه‌بێت، سنووری لێكۆڵینه‌وه‌كه‌شمان له‌ زمانی كوردیدا و نموونه‌ و ده‌قه‌كانمان له‌ زمانی نووسینی كوردیدا وه‌رگرتووه‌.

هه‌موو لێكۆڵینه‌وه‌یه‌ك پێویستی به‌ ڕێباز و میتۆدێك هه‌یه‌، بۆ ئه‌وه‌ی لێكۆڵه‌ر پێوه‌ی په‌یوه‌ست بیت، له‌م لێكۆڵینه‌وه‌یه‌دا ڕێبازی (وه‌سفی شیكاری)مان هه‌ڵبژاردووه‌، به‌و واتایه‌ی باسكردنی بابه‌ته‌كه‌یه‌.

وشه‌ بنچینه‌ییه‌كان

ناونیشانی توێژینه‌وه‌ [English]

Conjunctions and its types in Kurdish Language

نوسه‌ر [English]

  • Neriman xoshnaw

كۆلیژی هونه‌ره‌ جوانه‌كان/ زانكۆی سه‌لاحه‌ددین

پوخته‌ [English]


Title of the study:

Defining and selecting title is one of the most important part in research implementation, meaning the researcher has to select a topic that suits with his/her interest and capacity.
The present study is titled with (Conjunction and its types in Kurdish language), which means, the researcher discusses the Kurdish language conjunction in detail.

The limits of the study:

Defining the limits of the study is very significant and important, so that researcher doesn’t venture outside the topic of the discussion, the limit of this study is confined to the Kurdish Language, the outlines and writings have been taken from academic Kurdish language.

Research methodology:

Every research has a methodology, so that the researcher abides to the study. The current study has applied descriptive analytical method, meaning that it is the discussion of the selected topic.

Reasons of the study:

The main aim of choosing this topic is to expertise in conjunction topic, because there are few practical works about conjunction in Kurdish language.

Importance of the study:

The importance of the present study is in showing the practical side of the topic, to do this, researcher showed many normal sentence examples in Kurdish novels and stories, and this is to show further practical side of the topic.

Problems of the study:

Indeed every research faces problems in the implementation process, despite that the researcher didn’t face untreatable problems, except for references had some differences in terms of defining conjunction types, and this made the clarification process a little longer.

Outline of the study:

The study comprised of an introduction and two chapters.
First chapter: which is titled (conjunction), contains many sections: (term and definition of conjunction, relationship of conjunction, importance of conjunction, types of conjunction: grammatical conjunction, semantic conjunction, the differences between grammatical conjunction and semantic conjunction).
Chapter two: which is titled (prepositions of grammatical conjunction) contains many sections: (signal, substitution, omit, conjunction)
Finally the research concluded with results, references and research abstract in Arabic and English language.

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