Document Type : Original Article


زانکۆی سلێمانی/ کۆلێجی زانسته‌ مرۆڤایه‌تییه‌کان / بەشی راگەیاندن


Grounded in media dependency theory, this paper explores the impact of new media on the political decision-making process in the Kurdistan region amid the significant development in information technology, particularly in the media and communication sector. In recent years, the new media has grown and become an imperative source of news and information worldwide as replaced traditional media in many aspects. The paper investigates the level of using and depending on new media and social media by Kurdistan Member of Parliaments MPs and suggests that dependence on online media resources affects the process of decision making in the Kurdistan region. The research paper also study tests the relationship between political decisions and the perceived utility of the new media platforms. It analysing Kurdistan MPs measures that take into consideration the facilitating role of communication technologies. This research paper also explores the role of new media on Kurdistan MPs. It seeking how they rely on new media platforms in their work as political decision-makers in the Kurdistan region.


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