جۆری توێژینه‌وه‌ : Original Article


Department of English, College of Education, University of Garmian


English literature has been and still is one of the major influences upon world literature due to the overwhelming power of the English language all over the world. Most of the world literature, therefore, is said to be indebted to that huge body of literature. The Kurdish literature and particularly its poetry is not an exception in this respect. Due to a number of facts and states of de facto, a number of Kurdish poets are indebted in one way or another to English poetry in general and specific poets in particular.
The paper is an attempt to show the above interrelationship through a study of selected texts by English and Kurdish poets and writers from different ages. The study chose Richard Lovelace (1818- 1658), William Wordsworth (1770 -1850), and Percy Bysshe Shelley (1797-1851), and Oscar Wilde (1854- 1900) to represent the English poetry on the one hand and Abdulla Goran (1904- 1962) to represent the Kurdish poetry on the other hand. It came up with a number of conclusions the most obvious one of which is the fact that the Kurdish poet adopted and adapted cleverly and artistically the English texts to serve his specifics purposes.

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