جۆری توێژینه‌وه‌ : Original Article


Department of English, College of Education for Women, University of Garmian


     There are many affinities between Mr. Scogan, the fake fortune-teller of Aldous Huxley's novel, Crome Yellow (1921) and Madame Sosostris, the clairvoyant of T. S. Eliot's outstanding poem The Waste Land (1922). Though Eliot had read the novel in 1921and borrowed one of the main characters of The Waste Land, Madame Sosostris from it, this has not been given its due of study. This paper tries to explore the influence of Huxley's novel on Eliot's The Waste Land. The paper begins with a prefatory section which sheds light on Eliot's acquaintance with Huxley and his novel. The second section gives a brief idea of Crome Yellow and the part played by Mr. Scogan as a fake fortune teller in the novel. The third section explores how Madame Sosostris's disability to foretell the future through the Tarot pack "of cards" is identical with Mr. Scogan's fake fortune-telling though the ends are different. The paper ends with a conclusion which sums up the findings of the study.