Document Type : Original Article

  1. Altenbernd, Lynn & Lewis, Lesslie, L. (1967, reprinted 1999) A Handbook for the Study of Poetry. Macmillans.
  2. Aitchison, Jean (2012, 4th edition). Words in the Mind. Singapore, Wiley- Blackwell.
  3. Bal, Mieke (1977). Narratologies. Paris, Klincksieck
  4. Bal, Mieke (1985). Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative. Translated by Christine Van Boheemen.
  5. Barfield, Owen (1994). Poetic Diction . Faber and fabr.
  6. Claridge, Jessics (2010) Folk Myths and Legends. McGraw- Hill Far East Publishers, Kuala Lumpur.
  7. Hart, James, D. (1986) The Concise Oxford Companion to American Literature, Oxford.
  8. Hope, Parker, Katherine (1998). Language and Reality. Oxford University Press.
  9. Jones, R. T. (2008) Studying Poetry. Edward Arnold Publishers, London.
  10. Moore, Geoffrey (2011) The Penguin Book of American Verse. London.
  11. Peters, W. H. (1996) Hand Book for the Study of Literature. United University Press, UK.
  12. Shaban, Fuad ((1996) A Short Dictionary of Literary Terms. Dar Al- Fikr Publishers, Damascus University.
  13. Steine, George (1975 first published 1971) Extraterritorial: Papers on Literature and the Language Revolution. Penguin Books.
  14. Teun, Van Dijk (1989). Text and Context. London, Longmans
  15. Tillyard, E. M. W. (1978 reprinted 1998). Poetry Oblique and Direct. Chatto and Winduns.
  16. Warner, Alan (1957 reprinted 1962) English Poems and Ballads: An Anthology of Narrative Verse Chosen by Alan Warner. London, Oxford University Press.
  17. Warner, Austin and Weller, Rene (1949) The Theory of Literature. Penguin Books. Third Edition 1968 reprinted 1978.