جۆری توێژینه‌وه‌ : Original Article


Department of Psychology, University of Garmian, Kurdistan Region, Iraq


 The difficult conditions and threats that refugees face are making a great possibility for destroying their health physically and mentally. Refugees are at risk for psychiatric morbidity, yet little is known about their serious mental health disorders such as depression. National and international studies about Iraqi refugees still not enough to understand their serious problems in everyday life in the refugee camps and the future consequences of their physical and psychological conditions. Studying the depression levels among refugees of ISIS war and comparing the severity of depression between adult males and females was to be the aim of the study. Method: A comparative study design, with a purposive sampling of total (68) adult participants, (31 males and 37 females) in the refugee camps in Duhok city, Kurdistan Region of Iraq from September, 2016 to October, 2017 and a depression questionnaire for data collection process have been used. Results: little differences between males and females levels and the severity of depression were revealed. The mild level was higher in females (57.14) percent compared with males (42.85) percent, but males have reported higher results in moderate level (53.57) percent compared to females (46.42) percent. The big difference in the sever level of depression was (80.0) percent for females compared with only (20.0) percent for males. Recommendations: psychological first aid and interventions are required for the refugees especially for the members whom lost family member(s), property, job and body parts during the war.

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