جۆری توێژینه‌وه‌ : Original Article


MSc. Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Psychology Department/ College of Education/ University of Garmian


Background: The violence against women remains one of the most serious challenges of our
times. Sexual violence committed in armed conflicts has been termed “history’s greatest silence”
is considered to be a central issue and a “top priority” in the work of the worldwide governments.
The discrimination and the sexual abuse of Yazidi women and girls by the terrorist group ISIS in
august 2014 in Sinjar is a horrible war crime against Yazidi people and an international tragedian
crime in this era. Yazidi people especially their females have been through lots physical and
psychological traumas since ISIS attack, as a result of these and other violence acts they are
exposed to physical problems and serious mental illnesses such as PTSD, depression and suicide,
sleep disorders and eating disorders. The study aims to spot the light on some of the traumas that
Yazidi female survivors faced with ISIS and to measure the prevalence of PTSD among the
survivor Females. Method: a descriptive study with purposive sampling of (52) Yazidi female
survivors from ISIS have given the study questionnaire, which composed of some
sociodemographic and general questions, and PTSD questionnaire, from September to November
2016, in Yazidi camps in Duhok. A descriptive statistics was used to describe the results by
(SPSS. 22). Results: the results have shown high percentages of the traumas that is faced by
Yazidi female survivors, (38.4) have hardly escaped from ISIS militants, (80.7) have lost at least
one member of their families, (76.9) exposed to physical violence, (61.5) exposed to sexual
violence, (84.6) exposed to violence by more than one person, and (75.0) of them have PTSD
symptoms. Recommendations: national and international interventions are required for them
especially for the victims of sexual violence, physical, social and psychological supports are
needed. Further studies and researches also required to assess their suffering and other possible
psychological disorders.

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